Health Benefits Cooking with Kidney Beans

Health Benefits Cooking with Kidney Beans

As the winter draws to a close, I want to strength my body for the summer months. I have looking to add beans into my diet and decided to start with the kidney bean. Kidney beans are inexpensive and have lots of health benefits.

Here are a few health benefits of eating kidney beans:

  • Reduces Hypertension
  • Improve Cognitive Health
  • Strengthen Bones
  • Reduce Migraines
  • Improves Kidney Health and helps with Kidney Stones
  • Help with Weight Loss

So I am going to try a few recipes I have found online.

It should been note that you should always fully cook your beans, especially kidney beans as you don't want kidney bean poisoning, Phytohaemagglutnin.  For more information check out this link:

I am not going to soak my beans, but rather use a Instapot.  The following links provides instructions for cook kidney beans.